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Cannabis Cooking Oil

Cannabis cooking oil is one of our favorite things to make with cannabis. One of the primary reasons for this is its long shelf life. Kept at room temperature—and out of direct sunlight—it should stay fresh and potent for a long time.




  • 2 cups extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 ounces (56 grams) of quality grass or hash


In a heavy saucepan, warm the olive oil at medium heat until hot, being careful to ensure that the oil does not boil. Once hot, lower the heat and keep the oil at a steady temperature.

Now add your cannabis to the pan, stirring it every quarter hour for two hours.

If at any time your oil begins to boil, simply lift the pan from its heat source and adjust the temperature accordingly.

After two hours, remove the pan from the heat and let cool for half an hour before straining. We suggest straining the oil at least twice.


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