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Pot Tea Recipe


pot tea


A simple recipe for pot tea along with an additional method for making weed wine.

You will need:

  • 1-2 grams of good hash
  • 1 fluid ounce of vodka
  • a pot of tea


THC is not soluble in water, so while steeping your cannabis leaves to make tea will produce flavor, the tea will have no effect. However, should you have some hash oil honey, adding a teaspoon or so to the boiling water is an easy fix. If you don’t have any hash oil honey, try gently heating a single shot of vodka and stirring in the hash until it fully dissolves, then adding it to a pot of brewed tea.

If you prefer your tea sweet, try adding a bit of condensed milk, as this will also act to absorb the THC.

The same vodka trick can also be used to infuse your favorite bottle of wine. Simply uncork the bottle, remove a shots worth of wine, replacing it with the still-warm vodka mixture, and then re-cork. Shake the bottle carefully to combine the two liquids and set aside for an off-day. We’d suggest labeling it.


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