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Cannabis Caramels Recipe




  • ½ cup cannabis butter
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • ½ dash of salt
  • 2 cups light corn syrup
  • 2 cups evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla or 2 tablespoons rum flavoring


Put sugar, salt and light corn syrup into a 3 qt. heavy saucepan, Bring to a boil, and boil to a firm ball ( 245 ℉ ), Stirring occasionally. Gradually add the cannabutter and milk, stirring constantly, and so slowly that mixture does not stop boiling at any time; continue to cook rapidly, with constant stirring. to a medium ball ( 242 ℉ ). The candy sticks and scorches easily toward the last, so be careful about stirring.

Remove from heat, add flavoring. and stir well; then pour into a buttered 9 inch square baking pan. Cool thoroughly before cutting. When cold, turn out onto a sheet of waxed paper and cut with a sharp knife, using a sawing motion.

Wrap in waxed paper or moisture-proof cellophane. Makes 2 pounds.

Note;: Use cream in place or evaporated milk if desired.


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